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JS Red BAron EPS Twin fin Surfboard

JS Red Baron EPS Twin / Swallow Tail

$999 $799


As seen below, we’ve compared a 5’6 Black Baron to a 5’4 Red Baron, the 2 inch step down. A fuller nose with a straighter, wider tail.


The JS Red Baron Twin Fin - Known as the little brother to the previously released Black Baron, using the same diverse approach, but with added float and glide to really excel when other boards struggle. Essentially, the Red Baron EPS Twin Fin is ridden shorter and wider than your Black Baron, with slightly extra width in the tail outline also providing more flow and easy speed generation. Vee is maintained in the bottom contour throughout, like the original Baron, although a touch more double concave in the Red Baron provides drive and helps you project down the line. Ridden approximately 2 inches shorter than the Black Baron, another point of difference lies in the fins – we’ve designed the Red Baron to use a keel fin template, as the high area and depth delivers control and helps maintain incredible speed on rail. Classic keel fins offer maximum drive and hold, making sure you’re able to get creative even at high speeds on a much shorter board.

The Black Barons little brother.


Same Day Shipping Australia – Wide Daily
Board Safe Guarantee – for your peace of mind
Shipping to NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT – Flat rate $50

SA $50
WA, NT, TAS $100

For Off-Shore shipping, contact us for a quote


Oversize shipping rates apply to boards larger than 6’6, this is due to limitations of courier vehicles transporting oversize cargo. The prices below still include the standard shipping rate, however the oversize charge is additional to cover the excessive costs.

6’7 to 7’0 – $89

7’1 to 8’0 – $99

8’1 to 9’0 – $149

9’1 to 9’6 – $199

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